Marungaqagen ea lugoch

Ngan ayweg ea daay rodad nifan ngodad!

Urgon ngan pii e ayuw

Wenig, ra beq me tiyan’ ko gin ni be yaan riq ya run’ madaqd ko gmanman nu mday. P’neq e fan ngodad. Fanra’ kam madaqd, mag call nag e 911

  • Barracuda graphic


  • Blue box jellyfish graphic

  • Dark blue crown-of-thorns sea star graphic

  • Green moray eel graphic


  • Grey shark with black-tipped fins graphic


  • Yellow fire coral graphic

  • Pinkish-red lionfish graphic

  • Hammerhead shark graphic


  • Blue Portuguese man-o-war graphic

  • Dark blue sea urchin graphic


  • Red with yellow spots cone snail graphic

  • Grey and white stingray graphic


  • Stonefish graphic

  • Orange bristleworm graphic

Vibrant green hillside with the ocean in the background

Photo by Guam DoAg Forestry

Ngin naqag ea dow nga tafean ea dow, dabkun digeyu buut.

Dabkun oerfeg ea dow fa muuruf ni dariyfaan.

Fanraq dabyogii yaqan u karo ma kayog.

  • Two navy blue fish with white spots and one white fish with yellow fins hover above a greenish brown coral
  • A tranquil beach with light beige sand, turquoise water, and two unusual rock formations on the sand with green sloping land in the background
  • Soft finger-like coral with the blue ocean in the background
  • Four large manta rays swimming underwater near a reef
  • A black and white striped fish looks at the camera while hovering above a colorful coral reef
  • Bright green seagrass in light beige sand swaying in the waves underwater
  • A school of black and white striped fish swim above light beige soft coral
  • Several bright green mangroves with red roots growing in the water
  • Small black and white striped fish hiding under staghorn coral on a vibrant reef
  • Purple tips of textured, pointy hard coral up close
  • A large peach-colored snail shell rests on the white sand underwater in front of seagrass beds
  • A rainbow striped fish hovers above a colorful coral reef
  • Tropical fish swimming on a sunlit reef
  • The ocean with various shades of turquoise and blue, with a large land mass and tall white buildings in the background
  • A bright orange patterned fish swimming near orange/brown coral with a blue ocean background
  • A dense mangrove forest standing in teal-colored water
  • A school of black and white patterned fish hovering above a coral reef
  • A tall skinny mangrove sapling sticking up out of the blue water with blue sky in the background
  • Three small fish, one looking right at the camera, swimming next to a green coral colony

Translation in progress!

The rest of this translation is not yet completed!

If you speak English and Yapese and may be able to help us translate some text, please email us:

